The IP subsystem of integrated call center includes two parts: VoIP voice card and server. The VoIP card, in which stacks four blocks Infineon VINETIC-2CPE EDSP voice processing chips, uses ADM5120P as the main CPU. And 8-way telephone terminals can be supported by single VoIP card. The sipX SIP server, which is popular and can support large-scale enterprise applications, is selected as the SIP server.On the basis of introducing call center and VoIP principles in detail, the overall system architecture in which the integrated call center IP subsystem and original call center system coexist is presented. By the self-defined communication protocol on the voice card, this paper uses kernel module and ISR to realize the firmware on the VoIP voice card, in order to enable the communications among the channels within the voice-chip, among voice-chips within the card, among different VoIP cards, between the VoIP cards and the management PC to improve the real-time capability.By comparing the open source SIP stack, Osip2 and eXosip Libs are selected to realize the SIP protocol stack in the SIP UA (User Agent). And multiple parallel SIP UA (User Agent) program in the VoIP voice card is implemented. The open-source Boa Webserver program is modified, and then users are allowed to modify the associated parameters of the SIP UA and VoIP voice board by Web to control the work status of the SIP UA. Finally the functionality and features of the sipX SIP server are introduced. The queue process, as well as the changes of the ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) in the SIP server is presented in detail, so that the information can be exchanged with the existing ACD server in company. Then the queue process is unified and the integration of IP subsystem is achieved.